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10 Amazing Fun Facts about Plants

If I told you that trees can talk to each other, would you be shocked? Today’s blog post is about some such interesting and amazing fun facts about plants. 

People like me who have a weakness for gardening are always thinking about how to plant new plants and love to find interesting and fun facts about them. I think we cannot imagine our existence without trees.

Plants around us benefit us in many ways, they give us food, shelter, shade, fruit, flowers. There is no comparison to how much the shade of a little tree gives us peace in the scorching heat.

Also, various types of indoor plants increase the beauty of our house, garden, roof, balcony and yard in manifold. Let’s find out 10 amazing fun facts about plants.

10 amazing fun facts about plants

There are many amazing fun facts about plants that grow indoors or outdoors. Here are 10 amazing fun facts about plants for you-

  1. Plants can recognize their siblings and treat them very well

Plants can recognize their siblings. They behave competitively with others but not with their own siblings. Rather, he treats them in a friendly manner.

McMaster University researchers found in a study that when unfamiliar plants of the same species were placed in a container, they out-competed each other and produced more roots, which is a good sign for their growth.

But when placed together in the same container with their siblings, they show no competition resulting in reduced root growth and nutrient absorption, which is not a good sign for plant growth.

So it can be said that if you want your plant to grow well, don’t put siblings together, this will reduce the spread of their roots and reduce the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients, which is an obstacle to the plant’s good growth.

  1. Plants can feel gravity

Trees can feel the pull of gravity just as we humans do. The fact that plants feel the pull of gravity is called “Gravitropism” in scientific terms. 

We humans know where we are by feeling the effect of gravity, in the same way that trees know their position by feeling the force of gravity. 

The trunk and roots of plants have special cells that help the plant to sense the force of gravity.

The trunk and roots of plants have special cells that help the plant to sense the force of gravity. These specialized cells known as “statocytes” contain starch granules. When a plant leans to one side, the starch grains also lean to one side, which stimulates hormones and the plant knows where it is.

  1. Plants can talk to one another

Research shows that plants can talk to each other. In a study, scientists found that plants release chemicals called ‘root exudates’ into the soil in a unique way with the help of its roots. And this chemical tells the root zone of the plant how the plant is growing. And this is how a plants can talk to another tree with the help of roots.

  1. Plants can respond to sounds  

Since ancient times, people have thought that trees are very simple organisms. They adapt themselves to the environment through some very common traits. But time has changed, era has become modern. With the benefit of this modern era, now scientists are able to know various kinds of amazing information about plants. One such surprising and amazing fun fact is that plants can respond to different sounds.

In a recent study on the pea plant Pisum sativum, scientists found that the plant’s roots can detect the source of that water by sensing vibrations caused by water flowing underground. This phenomenon proves that plants can sense sound especially the roots of trees cannot sense sound but especially the roots of trees can sense sound.

  1. Plants can use strategies to attract pollinators 

Plants depend on various flies and insects to complete their pollination. In this case they can adopt different methods to attract insects. They can use strategies to attract pollinators. 

At the time of pollination plants present their flowers in a very beautiful way so that the pollinating insects are easily attracted to them.

  1. Plants can help reduce stress and promote calmness 

After a busy day, sitting under a tree or sitting on a balcony or roof garden and drinking a cup of tea seems to remove the tiredness of the whole day.

The shade of the tree, its serene and beautiful appearance refreshes our mind. They can help reduce stress and promote relaxation and calmness.

  1. Plants can express distress signals during times of stress 

Another amazing fun fact about plants is, they can express distress signals during times of stress. When a plant is faced with different types of problems they can express it in different ways

If you neglect a plant they can express it in different ways. For example, if you don’t water it regularly, it will start wilting or its leaves will fall off. Similarly, if you place a plant in too much sunlight, which prefers relatively shade, that plant will burn or scorch.

  1. Plants recognize their seasons without using a calendar 

We humans often forget dates even after using calendars, but plants are not like that, they know their seasons without using any calendar.

They know when they should bear fruit and when they should flower.

There are some indoor plants that go into winter dormancy. You will find that in the winter they don’t need to be told to hibernate they can go on their own.

And when the spring comes, the trees that bloom, how do they know that it is spring?

In spring, the day is longer, the plant receives more sunlight during the day, and because of this, they flowers and they understand that spring is the time for blooming.

  1. Plants are the longest living creatures on Earth 

If you ask me, what are the longest living creatures l on earth? I must answer that plants are the longest living organisms or creatures on earth. 

According to Chilean scientists, the conifer tree known as the ‘Great-Grandfather’ may be the oldest living tree on earth. According to them, this tree is more than 5000 years old. The trunk of this conifer tree is four meters thick.

While people begin to lose their productivity as they age, there are certain plants that can increase their productivity as they age. This is one of the reasons why plants are perennial or long-lived.

Another reason that makes the plants the longest living creatures or organisms on earth is, large trees have multiple branches, stems or trunks and so even if one trunk dies, the others survive.

  1. Plants can smell, see, feel and remember 

The last of the 10 Amazing Fun Facts about Plants that I will discuss is Plants can smell, see, feel and remember. Surprising as it may sound, it is true that plants can smell, see, feel and remember.

Since they are a living organism, it is very common for them to have these characteristics.

I have tried in today’s blog post to share something new about trees. From this effort I have discussed and highlighted 10 amazing fun facts about trees. I hope you enjoyed reading this and your knowledge about plants has increased a little.

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