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Caring guide of Kalanchoe flower for maximum growth

If you want to give your indoor garden a different and colorful look, kalanchoe flower should be your best choice. These flowers are very popular for their amazing size and multiple colors. As usual, yellow, magenta, white, red, orange, etc. are the most usable colors of these kalanchoe flowers. You will be just blessed with these beautiful colored flowers without any maintenance.

Anyway, there is a great combination of nature and beauty within these beautiful Kalanchoe flowers. But, to get the successful blooming of kalanchoe flower plants, you have to take care of these plants.

As my experience, these flower plants do not need more care for growth but with proper care, you will get amazing blooming of these flower plants. Today, I am sharing the overall guidelines on kalanchoe flowers. Let’s check the details!

Basic characteristics of kalanchoe flower

People call these kalanchoe flowers in different names like florists kalnanchoe, flaming katy, or Christmas kalanchoe, etc. Full sunlight and partial shade are perfect for these flowers. Before planting, you have to prepare well-drained sand for successful growth. These flower plants are almost seasonal bloomers. So, you have to wait for blooming. On the other hand, these are the same as toxic for all pets.

There are multiple species of the kalanchoe flower plant. You will get these flowers available in the Madagascar and some tropical areas of Africa. These flower plants grow up to 18 inches tall which is not so large. These plants are well-suited to small-sized containers.

Especially, these flower plants are suitable as indoor plants but if you want you can plant these at outdoor garden. In that case, the caring and planting system may be different for these two categories. Besides all of these, you have to be careful during the extreme weather because cold temperatures are not fit for these kalanchoe flowers.

So, if you can justify all features of these flower plants and take care of them properly, you will get amazing growth of these plants as you want.

Why should you choose kalanchoe flower?

Kalanchoe is one of the best choices for flower lovers who want to start their gardening journey. These flower plants have some of the most valuable benefits which are very helpful for all. Let’s know the most essential benefits of these flowers which need to be known for all gardeners-

  • Kalanchoe flowers need low maintenance and you will be able to get amazing flowers from these plants.
  • These plants don’t take much time to bloom. Kalanchoe plants will provide flowers within a minimum of eight weeks.
  • These flowers are also known as eternal love and persistence.
  • Kalanchoe flowers are more beneficial and these also treated as prevention for different health issues.
  • These flowers are used as medicine for some diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, gastric ulcers, wounds, respiratory infections, etc.
  • You will get these flowers as versatile like home décor, garden look, etc. These will decorate both your room and garden at a time.

Basic caring guide of kalanchoe flower plant

The caring process of kalanchoe flower plant is not so complex. It is very easy and it will need little time to care for these flower plants. For caring for these kalanchoe flower plants, you have to know about the primary technique first. Within these techniques, some most important and common ways are-

  • Ensuring appropriate light, soil, and water for ideal growth of the kalanchoe flower plants.
  • Maintaining the propagation method for extra growth of these plants. Within this technique, some ways are involved which are stem cutting, leaf propagation, and other multiple division techniques, etc.

How does kalanchoe flower grow with proper care?

Kalanchoe flower plants are this type that needs indirect sunlight which is bright whether it is indoor or outdoor plants. These flowers are often used as indoor plants but if you want you can plant these flowers in at outdoor space. In that case, the growing and caring technique of these plants will be different. Let’s see!

  • Indoor kalanchoe flower plant

Indoor kalanchoe flower plants need fully well-drained soil which is divided into some parts. As you have to arrange fifty percent cactus mix and fifty percent potting soil to plant these flowers indoors. Besides all of these, these plants should be input within a clay pot because this pot will retain extra water from the plant soil.

How should you take care of these indoor plants?

Kalanchoe indoor plants generally need bright and indirect sunlight for their proper growth. you have to ensure a minimum of eight hours sunlight of for these indoor plants. The blooming session of these kalanchoe plants is amazing and you have to keep patience for it.

For successful blooming you will provide these kalanchoe flower plants a minimum 8 hours of sunlight and 14 hours of darkness. After completing this timing session, it will be four months and you will get the most beautiful and colorful flowers.  

Kalanchoe flower plants for indoors need to take care with maintaining some rules. After confirming the proper light, you have to be conscious of the temperature, water, humidity level, fertilization, pruning system, etc.

Maintain the room temperature where you will set your indoor plant. Temperature should be from 60 to 85 degrees C. Keep away from extreme cold weather and do not set it just beside the window or door. Besides these, water this plant pot when the potting soil becomes dry.

Fertilize your indoor plants based on the plant-soil condition. Apply fertilizer only one time within every single month within its growing time. After all of these, just maintain the pruning system of your plants regularly for good growth.

  • Outdoor kalanchoe flower plant

Generally, the kalanchoe flower plants grow in indoor areas but sometimes gardeners want to plant them in the outdoor place. You can plant these flowers in the outdoor place in the summer season but you have to ensure partial shade for its proper growth. Extreme light is very harmful to these plants.

How should you take care of these outdoor plants?

For proper growth of kalancoe flower plants, you will need to ensure the climate condition which should be medium, not extreme. The climate zone should be from 10 to 12 within the warm conditions. But, it will be an ideal decision, if you keep these flower plants in an indoor place during the cold season.

The sunlight needed for outdoor plants is the same as for indoor plants. But, with extreme sun you should arrange a shade. It will protect the plant from the burn of extreme sun rays. 

Prepare soil for these kalanchoe flower plants with a combination of sandy soil. You should select the container for planting with proper holes which is the best drainage technique. So, for outdoor planting systems, every gardener should be more conscious about the perfect preparation of soil and drainage systems.

For outdoor planting, you have to be more conscious of water properly. Do not provide water to these outdoor plants regularly. Wait to dry the plant soil and water these plants deeply. Keep conscious of the weather conditions and you will need to ensure a proper drainage system. A perfect drainage system will be more helpful to prevent the roots from rotting.

Apply fertilization based on the soil and tree condition. At be beginning level, never apply fertilization and you should do it within the growing time with a minimum amount. For healthy growth and fast blooming sessions, applying fertilization properly is very important.

A regular pruning system is essential for the crowd-free growth of plants. If you want to grow your kalanchoe plants to grow fast with sufficient flowers, you have to continue the regular pruning process. Cutting dead parts of your plants will be very helpful to grow fast and remove pests and diseases.

Technique for pest and issues prevention

The most common issues are occurred if you cannot provide water and fertilizer properly to your kalanchoe plant. The caring techniques of this flowering plant are very easy but with carelessness, you can face different problems like-

  • With intolerable temperature, your plant can be damaged and different parts of this plant can be broken or turn into yellow color. So, to remove this issue, you have to ensure the actual temperature of your flower plant.
  • Delay blooming is another issue of the plant and you can face this problem for not proper care. So, take care of your plant for blooming during its actual period.
  • You should keep your plant within 70 degrees F otherwise it can be burned.
  • Sometimes, you can see the fragile stems within your plants. In that case, you have to fertilize these plants at the right time with accurate proportions.

Besides all of these issues, you may face your yellow-colored leaves and stems within the body part of your kalanchoe plants. These mean, your plants are attacked with different common pests like thrips, aphids, scales, etc. After noticing these problems, every gardener should take essential steps to prevent these pests and save their plants from harmful diseases. You can take multiple steps to prevent these issues-

  • Keeping inspection of your plant regularly
  • Clean all body parts of your kalanchoe plants daily
  • Keep your lovely plants within sufficient air circulation area
  • Water spray toward the all body parts of your plants
  • Don’t over-fertilization to your plants and try to welcome the helpful predators

Blooming session of kalanchoe flower

It’s very normal that everyone needs to take special care for blooming and it is essential for all types of flower plants. However, to get the successful blooming of the kalanchoe flower plants, you have to make sure to set these plants in the right place where your plants will get sunlight, soil, etc. with the right proportion.

Generally, a balanced fertilization refers to fertilizing the houseplants every 2 weeks and you should maintain this process for perfect blooming.

–        When kalanchoe flowers bloom?

Normally, the kalanchoe plants bloom in the late autumn and late winter. The blooming session starts after 8 weeks from the planting time. So, you have to take care appropriately to these plants for amazing blooming.

–        How could you encourage the bloom of kalanchoe?

To encourage the bloom of kalanchoe, you can keep the plant in a place where no existence of light is available at night. In particular, you have to cover the kalanchoe plant for a minimum of fourteen hours every night and it should be fourteen consecutive days. After completing this session, the blooming of your plants will appear naturally.

Final words

Kalanchoe flowershould be your first choice for gardening at the beginning after checking the overall discussion above. I am very glad to grow this beautiful flower plant and it is bloomed within a certain period. Though it needs less care, after that with proper care you will get amazing feedback.

After knowing these easiest and most effective techniques for the amazing growth of these kalanchoe flower plants, hopefully, you will be able to care your plant effectively. I just love these most unique and iconic-looking flowers.

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