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Home Remedies for Dying Plants 

Do you notice your plants start dying and wilting day by day? Here are some DIY home remedies for dead plants that can bring them back to a healthy life.

Trees provide cool air in hot weather, provide fresh air, absorb toxic substances and chemicals from the air, emit beneficial gasses like oxygen and enhance the beauty of your home. So it is our duty to keep them alive.

They do not require much care to keep them alive, vibrant and fresh. If you want, they will grow very well if you take care of them by following very easy and simple rules.

But sometimes these plants die due to various reasons; in that case, you should take some steps to revive the plants as soon as possible. Today I will discuss some home remedies that I usually use to revive my wilted plants. You can make these DIY home remedies with some very common ingredients you have at home.

The most popular DIY home remedies for dying plants 

There are many indoor and outdoor plants available, which we usually plant in our garden, balcony, room, rooftop or terrace decoration. Most of the time, they enhance the beauty of our house and provide quality air around us with very little care.

But sometimes they start wilting or dying and become dull because of our mistakes. Here are some of the best and most popular DIY home remedies for your dying plants.

Banana Peels 

Bananas are a common fruit that we all have in our house. You can easily save your dying plants with this banana peel. Banana peels contain phosphorus, potassium and other essential nutrients that help your plants grow and improve their health.

To give the nutrients of banana peels to your plants, you can make banana peel tea by soaking the banana peels in water for a few days and giving them to the roots of your plants. You can also bury these peels near the roots of plants.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, which is one of the reasons for the beautiful green color of the leaves and they help in the growth of the leaves. These coffee grounds are very beneficial for certain plants, as their acidity helps to lower the pH level of the soil.

For better results, mix them with other organic materials in tub soil or sprinkle them on the surface of the soil. 


Eggshells contain calcium, which plays an important role in strengthening your plant’s cell walls. Applying eggshells to plants will make them very healthy. To make the plant healthy, you can boil eggshells and give the boiled water to the plant, and if you want, you can grind the shells and mix them with the soil. To use it, grind the eggshell and mix it with the soil.

Since eggshells are easily available in everyone’s home, why not use this eggshell to make the plants lively and healthy?

Epsom Salt 

Epsom salt plays a very important role in your plant’s flowering and photosynthesis. The magnesium and sulfur contained in it are very beneficial for plants.

You can add this Epsom salt to the soil around the base of the plant or mix the salt with water and spray it on the whole plant so that its beneficial elements will benefit your plant.


Cinnamon is one of the beneficial ingredients for plants in your home. If a little cinnamon powder is sprinkled on the thorny stem of the plant or on the surface of the root soil, the antifungal properties contained in it protect the plant from drying, rotting, fungal infection and various diseases.

Extra care and tips for dying or wilting plants revive

If your plants start rotting or wilting or dying, you can easily revive them with the above-discussed home remedies. You can also follow some extra care and tips to keep your plants alive if you want. Here are some extra tips for dying or wilting plants to revive.

Trim the dead or rot parts of the plants

If any part of the plant including branches or leaves or stems rots or dies, prune or trim them as soon as possible.

Another key to keeping a tree healthy, alive and vibrant is that all of the energy it absorbs can be used by its living parts. Some of this energy is wasted if you don’t cut off its dead parts. So always make sure that the dead parts of the plant are trimmed.

Give them better humidity

There are certain types of plants that do not grow well in dry conditions and require moist conditions to grow well. So move your thirsty plants to a humid spot for growing well. 

Give them proper sunlight and also shade

Some plants need direct bright sunlight and some plants need indirect low sunlight. Plants that require direct sunlight cannot survive in a dark location. And plants that require indirect sunlight will burn their leaves if placed in direct sunlight.

The leaves of indoor plants are burnt, scorched and severely damaged, because of keeping them in direct sunlight. So considering their need keep them in suitable sunlight and shade.

Repot or replant an overwatered plant

If your plant is overwatered, there is a chance that the roots will rot and the entire plant will die. So repot or replant your overwatered plant as soon as you can.

Be careful when replanting the plant. So that its roots are not torn or damaged.

Give them water soluble fertilizer 

We often apply fertilizers to plants to provide them with nutrients. But most of the time the nutrients of this fertilizer do not spread to the entire plant because the fertilizer does not mix well with the soil. 

So we need to apply fertilizers that are water soluble. And due to being soluble in water, they are easily mixed with the soil and spread to the entire plant with the help of roots.

Take proper steps to get rid of pests 

If you see curled or folded leaves, holes in the leaves, abnormal growth and discolored or deformed leaves, you will know that your plant has been attacked by pests. Attacks by these pests can kill your tree.

So take proper steps to get rid of pests. You can get rid of these pests by spraying the plants with water mixed with mild soap.

Give them appropriate fertilizer on right time 

Improper fertilization and excessive fertilization can be harmful to your plants. Plants should be fertilized when they begin to grow.

For best growing of your plants, you should give them appropriate fertilizer on right time.

Give accurate water in your thirsty plants 

When the leaves of your plants seems to wilt, most probably it happens for less watering. If you put your finger in the root of the plant and see it dry, you will know that your plants is thirsty.

Give accurate water in your thirsty plants to revive and grow well.

If you read my article till the end, you will know every tips and tricks for growing healthy plants. And of course, you will know how I prepare home remedies for my dead plants. If you follow my techniques to make DIY home remedies for dead plants, surely you will benefit and you will save your plants from dying.

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