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How do I care of my blooming jasmine plant?

When you think of a flowering plant that scents the house, the first plant that comes to mind is the jasmine plant. Its beautiful flowers beautify your home as well as add a sweet fragrance to your home.

The jasmine plant is commonly known as an outdoor plant, but many varieties are also kept indoors as indoor plants. There are some variety of Jasmine Plant that remain vibrant throughout the year, while there are some species that go into hibernation or dormancy in winter.

What are the things you should follow while keeping a Jasmine plant at home? How to take care of it? How to revive a plant after a dormant period? What are the uses of this plant? And above all you all have asked, how do I care for my jasmine plant? All these issues will be discussed in detail in this blog post.

Uses of Jasmine Plant

Some of the useful and beneficial aspects of the Jasmine plant are discussed below.

Decorate the house 

The small star-like and ornamental flowers of this plant adorn your home with their beauty and sweet fragrance. If this plant is placed in a corner of the house, it will spread its sweet fragrance throughout the house.

Just as its beauty captivates you, its fragrance will increase your work motivation manifold.

Health benefits of Jasmine

There are various healt benefits of Jasmine Plant. Such as-

Antioxidants and nutrients in Jasmine flowers are very effective as natural pain relievers or pain killers. If you drink tea made from its flowers, it will help to heal or relieve your headache, joint pain or general mild pain in the body.

Jasmine flowers help reduce body swelling. If any part of the body is swollen, applying jasmine flower juice will cure it. 

Jasmine flowers are also able to cure skin diseases. Those who have various skin diseases apply the juice of this jasmine flower twice a day on the wound, then their skin diseases will be cured.

Jasmine flowers can also cure poisonous insect bites. Many times, when bitten by poisonous insects, applying jasmine flower juice reduces the effect of the poison quite a bit. 

Herbal tea made from jasmine flowers plays a very effective role in treating various health problems. This herbal tea made from jasmine flowers contains catechins, which prevent oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries.

Jasmine essential oil, used in aromatherapy, is made from this jasmine flower.

Those of you who have a family history of heart problems can drink jasmine tea regularly. By doing this, your chances and risk of heart problems are reduced to a great extent. Since this tea made from Jasmine protects against inflammation of veins and arteries, drinking it reduces your risk of heart attack and stroke.

It has antiseptic properties, so you can use oil or tea made from it to protect your body from rashes and sunburn.

Tea made from Jasmine flower, like many other herbal teas, has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps to decrease stress and irritability.

The ingredients in the jasmine flower that give it its wonderful and excellent aroma have aphrodisiac properties that are used in sex drive.

When it mixed with massage oil and rubbed gently on the neck, back and arms, it can invigorate and revitalize your body.

Pressing the jasmine flower gently releases its juice, which when applied to the skin will cure various skin problems. Regular use of this jasmine juice also works to heal corns on the feet.

If you want to enjoy a relaxing environment, I would suggest you to use jasmine essential oil with other essential oils.

Make perfume and essential oil

Not only its beauty and grace attracts people, but its sweet fragrance is one of the biggest implement to attract people. 

The sweet scent of these flowers attracts many. Therefore, the practice of making perfume or scent from this jasmine flower has been going on for a long time.

Also the essential oil made from its extract is used to add a sweet fragrance to various cosmetics.

How do I care for my Jasmine plants

Although jasmine plants require very little care to grow, it is important to give them the minimum amount of care they require to grow. Here are some simple and easy methods for those of you who often ask, how do I take care of my jasmine plants?

Prepare tub soil or potting mix 

After buying the seedling from the nursery the first thing to follow is to prepare the suitable soil for your plant and plant the seedling in it.

One part of garden soil or clay soil, equal amount of river sand or silver sand or horizontal sand with equal amount of vermicompost or one year old dung manure or one year old leaf rot should be mixed in making suitable soil for plants. After mixing all the ingredients together, it should be well sieved with 2mm sand sieve so that the soils become drizzling.

Place them in adequate sunlight as they require 

Jasmine plants are grow well in full sunlight as well as semi-shade. This jasmine plant will grow well in your balcony with little bit of low sunlight and also in direct sunlight on the roof or in the yard.

It is not the case that low sunlight will kill your plant. But yes, it will flower less if placed in low sunlight than if placed in full sun.

So if you want to get more flowers, it is better to keep the plant in direct sunlight. But if your house does not have direct sunlight, you can keep the plant in the balcony with less sunlight.

Water your plants properly 

Since the plant can grow in strong sunlight, water is an essential element for it. Water this plant well every day during the summer, if you keep this plant in full sun. During summer the plant should be bathed twice daily in the morning and afternoon.

For those of you who keep your Jasmine plant in semi-shade, water your plant when the top is dry.

Similarly, in the case of watering the plants in winter, check first whether the soil of the tub has dried up, then water it only when the top soil dries up.

And during the rainy season, when the soil of the tub is completely wet with rain water, it cannot be watered in any way. Water only when the top layer of the tub is dry if it does not rain during monsoons.

Give them food

You can apply any of the two types of fertilizer, granule or water soluble, as food for your plants.

If granular fertilizer is applied, soak the soil at the base of the plant the day before and water the base of the plant again the day after application of granular fertilizer. In this way granular fertilizer should be applied every 15 days.

And if it is water soluble fertilizer, then one gram of fertilizer should be mixed in 1 liter of water and sprayed on the plants after seven days.

If you want to have a healthy jasmine plant with lots of flowers, follow the care I have suggested and you will have lots of flowers very easily.

I am assuming that those of you who read this blog post till end, and who had the question, How do I care for my jasmine plant? They got the correct answer and solution to their question.

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