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How to save a dying darsena skipe plant?

Do you face many problems growing a Dracaena Plant? Don’t understand why your plants are dying? 

Dracaena Plant is a charming, beautiful and amazing indoor plant. Many of you have planted this plant in your balcony or household as an indoor plant. Though this plant grows well, sometimes it may die because of our negligence.

How do you know that your plants are dying? Why are your Dracaena Plants dying? What is the reason behind it? How can you save a dying Dracaena Plant? What should you do to save them? What should be done for the plants not to die? Today you will know the correct answers and the right solutions to all these questions and problems. So let’s get started-

How to know if your Dracaena plant is facing various problems and dying

Firstly you have to figure out the symptoms that your plants are dying. When your plants face different problems it manifests itself through different symptoms. Such as-

Change in colors of the leaves 

Change in colors of the foliage or leaves can be a sign of a problem. Although it is normal for 2 to 3 leaves to turn yellow before new leaves appear. But when several leaves turn yellow together, you should understand that your dracaena plant is in trouble.

Dry tips 

Another sign that a Dracaena plant is in trouble is dry tips. Basically if there is dry air in the environment around the plants, your dracaena tips will be dry. Dry tips can be caused by dry air.

Dry leaves

Dry leaves of Dracaena Plants also indicate that the plant is going to die.

The other problem of Dracaena Plant that you could face are- 

  • Brown and black spots on leaf edges or tips.
  • Brown dry tips
  • Brown and black spots on the leaf with yellow around it 
  • Yellow leaf tips or edges.
  • The Leaves turn pale or faded.
  • Stems turning black etc. 

Why are your Dracaena Plants dying? What is the reason behind it?

If you want to save a Dracaena plant from dying, you need to find out the reasons behind its death. If you know the reasons, you can easily remedy, prevent them and revive the tree.

Mechanical damage

When you walk by your dracaena plant repeatedly, its leaves rub against your body and as a result the edges or tips of the leaves turn brown and dry. It is basically called mechanical damage.

Low humidity 

Low humidity also causes brown and dry leaf edges or tips.

Over watering 

Just as water is essential for plants to survive, too much water is enough to kill them. If you water your Dracaena plant at will without following the rules, it won’t take long for it to die.

The over watering is the number one problem with all of the plants and especially with the dracaena plants.

Salt access down by the roots

When you mix fertilizer with water and give it to your plant, it is actually in salt form. So if you over fertilize your Dracaena, it will react and your dracaena leaves will have brown and black spots.

Providing fluorinated and chlorinated water

If you regularly give your plants fluorinated and chlorinated water, it will turn the edges and tips of your dracaena leaves yellow. 

Fungal or bacterial infection 

If you get brownish black spots with yellow around them on the leaves. It can be on the middle of the leaves, the edges of the leaves, down by the stems or entire leaves. That could be an indication of fungal or bacterial infection.

And this is something we call leaf spot disease which is caused by fungal or bacterial problems.

Tearing of the roots

When repotting a dracaena plant, if too much movement is done, many of its roots can be torn, causing the stem of the plant to turn black.

How to save a dying Dracaena plant? What should you do to save them?

To save the dying Dracaena plant, the first thing you need to do is find out the problems and take steps accordingly. Because every problem has a unique solution.

Now we will know in detail what steps to take according to the type of any problem.

Solution for brown dry leaf tips

You just take your fingers and pull the dry tips gently off, you will just get the brown tip.

You can also use a cutter, but it is not the safe way. For that the other part of the leaves got damaged and could be infected.

Since my plant is next to the door, my plant often has dry leaf tip problems due to body rubbing on it when moving. So place your Dracaena, where you will not cross this plant and do not touch it.

Low humidity can also cause brown dry leaf tip problems, so keep the plant in an area with high humidity.

Solution for brown black spots on leaf edges or tips

Salt access down by the roots causes brown black spots on leaf edges or tips. You should change the pot when it’s happening. Or you can water it with a sprinkler system to wash away the salt in the soil.

Solution for yellow leaf tips and edges

If the water you give your plants regularly contains chlorine and fluorine, your Dracaena leaves may turn yellow on the tips and edges.

Bottled and rainwater often contain fluorine and chlorine, so it is best not to use these water for plants.

Also over watering can kill your Dracaena Plants cautiously, so water these plants only when the soil of the pot gets a little dry.

Solution leaf spot disease

If your Dracaena Plants suffer from leaf spot disease, you can see brown and black spots on the leaf with yellow around it. Basically it’s caused by fungal or bacterial infection.

You need to remove the leaves that are infected to get rid of this disease.

After removing the leaves that are infected just let the plant dry out as much as it can before watering it again. So that the fungus or bacteria could actually start to die and start to disappear as a problem for your plants.

But if it continues, it still gets new leaves with this problem, then you have to go out and buy some mixture to treat this fungal infection.

There are many ready to use mixtures available in the market to treat leaf spot disease.

Solution for stems turning black

In most cases, too much movement when changing the tub of the plant causes many roots of the plant to break, as a result the stems turn black.

So we have to be very careful while repotting, so that none of its roots are torn.

If you read my today’s blog post carefully and follow all the tips and tricks step by step on how to save a dying Dracaena plant. I hope you can save your dying Dracaena plant very easily.

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